
Sunday, October 21, 2012

After reading the article Conversing with Miguel, it brought back memories when Miguel talks about how he didn’t want to leave 8th grade because he was afraid that the teachers wouldn’t care about him like his current teachers do now. I worked with students last year where the majority of them were ELL’s and most had IEP’s and 504’s. I know I cared about each and every one of them, but how do I know if they knew that I cared? Well, it just so happens that while I was at Wal-Mart tonight, I heard my name being called from a distance. “Tina!” as I turned to look, my poor eyesight wouldn’t allow for me to make out who it was. As the girls approached, I realized it was two ELL students that I worked with last year. I could tell that they were happy to see me. They asked me if I was coming back, and they look in their eyes showed that they were disappointed when I said I wasn’t. I guess this answers my question to whether or not the students could tell if I really cared. Sometimes it is the unspoken communication that we feel the most. It’s unfortunate that we can’t stay with the same teachers or students because there definitely could be a bond, but the students should not believe that there won’t be more teachers out here who will care about them in the future, because I can guarantee that there are. In order to address this issue in the classroom I could take extra time to encourage the ELL, and make connections. As a sharing point, I could introduce the class to a Japanese mathematician who recently solved the a solution to "the abc conjecture" in order to highlight cross-cultural contribution. We have one Japanese ELL in our class.

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