Tina Ayers
This semester I have been surprised by the literacy levels
of my students. They are able to memorize new vocabulary words and definitions
pretty well. In a geometry class everyday there are new words to decode and
remember. Whether they actually understand the meaning is hard to say, but for
purposes of remembering a term for an exam, they have done well at that. When given
literacy assignments, I noticed that the students were not able to communicate
their cognitive thinking procedures regarding a mathematical problem very well.
They used simple sentences that were full of grammatical errors, and they did
not try to elaborate much. This was a bit shocking to me because I know that
these students are high achievers so my expectations of them were rather high.
Journal January 30, 2013
My literacy-rich classroom has a library of books and
magazines that are math related one such book is Math Talk. I am requiring that the students find whatever interested
them in these books, and have them share their findings with the class. This
will be part of an ongoing literacy activity throughout the year. Another
aspect that makes my classroom literacy-rich is that the students keep a journal
of daily quick-writes, on how they are going to work effective that day, how
they are going to approach the day’s problem or activity, and at the end of the
day they will reflect on their actions/procedures. This keeps them engaged in
the moment.
Journal December 15, 2013
My literacy-rich classroom’s library has grown and students
have contributed to the collection. My students are engaged in collaborating
and finding ways to help each other understand content by talking and sharing their
problem solving strategies.
Journal May 30, 2014
My literacy-rich classroom has portrayals of student work
all over the room that have come from their readings of math related articles
and texts. The students are engaged in
keeping up their daily journals and reflecting on how they have grown as mathematician
by looking back at where they started in their journal as opposed to where they
are now. My students are capable of independent learning in the following
areas: self-assessment/reflection to bring forth growth, and mathematical
connections to real-world issues by reading mathematical publications and
scholarly journals.
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